Friday, September 21, 2007

My first couple hours in newfoundland.


Simply Wow.

How do I even start this one out? Got here and a couple of things were very noticeable right of the hop. Firstly, the air dosn't stink, it hit's you right in the lungs with each new inhale. Secondly, not only do people smile to one another here, but it seems as though people are genuinely happy. Such a different swing to life here, and that's only after a few hours here.

We walked downtown st johns for a couple hours. INCREDIBLE. The core of this city is so alive and so busy ALL the time. Walking down the street, you can hear guys playing accordians, guitar, singing... everywhere, all traditional music, my Gran would be so jealous.

We're going out for supper, then back here. I've gotten basically completely unpacked. I've taken a few pictures, I'll be sure to upload them tonight.

The temperature here is 17degrees, but with a beautiful breeze coming off the water. The water is literally a walk away. Out the balcony window, I can see signal hill, the st johns marina, and a beautiful hillscape.

I apologize for the spelling mistakes, I'm still getting used to typing on such a small keyoard.

Mom, the flight was fine, I'm doing great.

I love you all... except you kirley... you're still a queer.



Anonymous said...

Did you hear about the Newfie who went ice fishing?
He caught fifty pounds of ice and his wife drowned trying to cook.

... thats a terrible joke, his wife DIED. But don't worry, take solice in the fact that you like men.


Robin and Sydney said...

Glad to hear N.L. wowed you! Sounds like an awesome place...I can just picture you walking down the street with your guitar and jamming with the street musicians! Take care, stay safe and all that Robin and Sydney