Monday, November 19, 2007

Stuff and Junk

Well. been a while since I've updated this thing.
I've just finished watching a docu-drama entitled Dragon. It's about Bruce Lee. This thing was brutal. I just can't, emotionally, watch movies any more, I get too wrapped up in the characters. I almost cried when he got kicked in the back, paralyzing him. pfft.

Anyways, I had (speaking of bruce lee) chineese food last night that, when working through my system, took a small part of me with it. This stuff was ruthless. Tastey, but in no way healthy.

I think I may have to take a trip to the bulk barn soon for snack stuff, primarily some crispy crunch bits... kirley, 20$ game ring a bell?

I have a rather amusing picture to upload, but I'll do that tonight.

I put a payment on a new airsoft gun, and some new gear.

I'll write again tonight, but I actually will, I have a neat zombie game to tell about.

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