Thursday, November 29, 2007


Hey folks.

I'm bored, tired and on an all-nighter shift.

On an up-note though, I DO have some very tasty snacks waiting back at home, thanks to me mudder. mmmm, chocolate.

I went out xmas shopping today, managed to snag some stuff.

It's actually been quite the shift so far, to say the least.

First... in the (- - - - -- - - - - -- -- - ), so after ( -- - - --- - -) until it was, well, obvious that there was a ( - - -- -- ---- - ) named ( -- - -- - - -- -). I had to ( - -- -- ------) before it was decided ( -- -----------). So I (- ---------- --- - -).

In the interest of confidence, I decided to edit a wee bit.

I'll let you take that in, a lot I know... but go easy on yourself, I am dealing with it.

So taker easy.


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