Monday, October 22, 2007

A slice.

A slice from an email I sent an old teacher... after the pre-send reading... thought it was post-worthy.

"I got to experience a vital and very humbling day, in terms of my growth as an SSW. I took part in my church's food bank. Our church is usually 12 people strong on a good Sunday. On this day there were well over 100 people, waiting for a hot bowl of chili and a bag of food. I'll tell you, not only did this renew my views as an SSW, by making me feel like I was doing something worth while, but more importantly renewed my faith, ABSOLUTELY, in humanity. In this business it's so easy to get so hung up on everything that's wrong, because there is a LOT wrong, with the world, in general... we know this.. for a day, maybe 2 hours... it seemed as though everyone put all the bullshit they'd been served aside, ego and pocketbook in the corner... to help. just to help another person. Isn't that what our practise is founded on, at it's roots? Not funding, diagnoses, medications, policies, workshops.... Just helping the people who NEED it."


Anonymous said...

No doubt social service practice is founded on helping the very core of helping. Roll up your sleeves and get "dirty" to speak.
A crucial element indeed..please remember though that policies, funding, diagnosis and medications do allow these individuals to function in our society.
I know the profound experience it is to be working at the grass roots level - it is important for policy makers to understand grass roots work as much as policy allows those folks do do their work.
Obviously a seasoned perspective form a very "seasoned" social service worker - now working at the funding and policy level.
I think you know who I am.
Thanks for sharing your view.

Anonymous said...

An amazing adventure of an amazing boy named Billy. It isn't the same without your smiling...mischievious face in our classrooms, of all the places I thought you would be blown to it wasn't this one, but then "you never know where the leaf will land in the wind" taketh thy butteth to front line contributions and out of the corporate world - it matters not what you do but that you do! Get on with getting on and enjoy!

Anonymous said...

run on sentences,
improper use of commas,
several gramatical errors...

you get an A for effort,
