Monday, June 2, 2008


So here's the story:

Every week, when the patrons of 27 Monroe street leave the house to embark on a trip to the grocery store, Billy wintesses his roommate Steph buy banana's.

Normally, this would not be a major issue.

Steph continues to bring home a bunch of banana's and normally eats all but one or two. These lowly few are offered to the freezer gods and pile up, week after week, in the swinging door of their stand up fridge. The total amount of frozen, blackened banana's was beyond human comprehension when this weekend, as a saving grace of freezer space... the banana's were used.

Billy's roommates made 8.... 8 loaves of banana bread, in double sized pans.

Normally, the Billy would poke fun at the obscene amount of banana loaf... again in the freezer.

Here in lays the problem.

Each loaf is infused with the most delicious flavour Billy has ever experienced.

Shame... because this is an awesome opportunity for Billy to poke fun.

Good Job Amy, Steph and Steph's dad. Good job. Very tasty.

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