Monday, February 11, 2008

In the DEAD of night: a zombie's poem, written by moi.

Once dead, walks again,
taunts you, in the way he howls.
Searching for a feast.
The breath of the corpse
Shakes loose, the bones of his foes.
His stench, known by all.
take heed, walking plague,
Though, my rifle has no name
My will it does obey.
Let me deliver.
For your soul is lost tonight,
I will bring you home.


Anonymous said...

Boy Kisser: A Quilly Poem, Written by Kirley

There once was a man named Billy
Infact, he was quite the Quilly*
spends all his time
making week ass Zombie rhymes
And touching lil boys with his Willy

*Quilly = Billy + Queer

Anonymous said...
