Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Well well well.

I made it to university.

I did all the things a new student in a new city does.

I got a coffee from the Univercity Center. I got myself a Nalgene bottle with Lakehead on it... so proud. I got a lanyard to hold my student card. My student card also acts as a bus pass, unlimited uses, till next august! that's crazy!

Speaking of buses, I gave myself a nice tour of Thunder Bay's downtown... Took the wrong number 2 bus.

Got my OSAP all squared away and I'm anxiously awaiting my first class, tomorrow at 230.

Found a good hotspot in a place called the Agora. Was on the laptop and having a coffee, was kinda nice.

I'll write more tonight.. Ive got dishes to do.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All the best wishes for your new place in thunderGAY
