Tuesday, October 16, 2007

So, decided to use my webcam... I'll do this often. Enjoy.
Turn your speakers up.


Anonymous said...

Hi Billy, my name is Chas, I work with your mom, just in case she doesn't tell you, she so did roll her eyes!!! Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

A second generation of McDonald's workers - the compnay will be proud!
Just don't tell them your mother and Aunt were fired by the monster mega!
Love, Aunt Nancy

By the way...what a touching tribute.

Anonymous said...

Whooooooooos you daddddddy :))

Anonymous said...

This is KLINGON, decode and you will understand.
ghogh HablI' jajvam

Anonymous said...

Who's your daddy????
I know who he is!

Way to go with the flipping burgers!

McPuke's rawks!
Can't wait to see this uniform pic!